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भदैनी मिरर अखबार पत्र पंजीयन कार्यालय भारत सरकार द्वारा पंजीकृत है। पाठकों का विश्वास ही हमारी पूंजी है। सटीक और उपयोगी खबर ही पाठकों तक पहुंचाना हमारा उद्देश्य है, आप भी अपनी बातें हम तक के माध्यम से पहुंचा सकते हैं।
Ella's Mridangam and Malini Awasthi's rendition will enthrall the audience
The teacher committed suicide by jumping into the Ganges married 2 years agoगंगा में छलांग लगाकर शिक्षक ने की आत्महत्या, 2 साल पहले...
Youth drowned in Ganges 3 rescued, 1 search continues, accident happened during bath. गंगा में एक युवक डूबा उसकी लगातार तलाश जारी...
Rehearsal to deal with riots and rebellion. The officials gave tips on crowd control, More than 500 policemen were involved. जनपद...
Section 144 will be applicable in rural areas from tomorrow to June 20, this decision was taken regarding festivals. वाराणसी के ग्रामीण...
Niladri's sitar will like Kankana Banerjee's singing, a total of eight artists will attend Baba's darabar. श्री संकट मोचन संगीत समारोह...
After visiting the ghats Additional CP went to know about the security arrangementsघाटों का भ्रमण कर एडिशनल CP ने जाना सुरक्षा व्यवस्था...
BHU students are hurt by the news of Shiv Trivedi's death. NSUI, while paying tribute, raised questions on the working style of the...
Nana was given rigorous punishment of 10 years by the court for rape, FIR was registered 4 years ago. चार साल पुराने रेप के मामलें...
ABVP started hunger strike against the admission in CHS through lottery system, said playing with talented students. बीएचयू से सम्बद्ध...
The magician showed the waste by making it useful with art warned the public justify garbage disposalजादूगर ने कचरे को कला से उपयोगी...
CP pats the back of 2 constables who saved the girl who was going to commit suicideआत्महत्या करने जा रही युवती को बचाने वाले 2 कांस्टेबलों...
The policeman shot himself in the jeep itself, the condition is serious, The relatives met the police commissioner. सरकारी जीप में...
Bharatanatyam in the third nisha of the music festival Moha mind, the program will run continuously for the whole nightसंगीत समारोह...
Drunk gang rape.The woman's allegation made a physical relationship during the party, Sent to jail. चितईपुर इलाके में महिला से सामूहिक...
The girl who killed her friend was sent to jail, said she used to exploit me by making objectionable videos. सहेली की हत्या करने वाली...
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